The 35th Annual Overlook Foundation Golf Tournament will take place on Monday, May 19th at Canoe Brook Country Club in Summit.

Come early to hit some balls at the driving range and do some pre-round stretching with our physical therapists who will be on hand. Then after lunch on the club’s patio, it’s on to one of Canoe Brook’s two renowned championship courses.

Weather permitting, the evening’s awards dinner will be held outdoors as well. A generous lineup of golf prizes will be awarded to the top six teams on each course with the lowest net scores, as well as individuals with the longest drive and closest to the pin. The Anthony F. Coppola, MD Memorial Award is presented annually to the golfer with the lowest individual gross score.

This year’s outing will support Neurosurgical Services at Overlook Medical Center.

For more information or to register, contact the Overlook Foundation at 908-522-2837 or follow this link