Who is eligible?
The Junior Board of the Overlook Foundation is comprised of high school juniors attending the following schools: Bernards High School (HS), Chatham HS, Delbarton, Gill St. Bernard’s School, Governor Livingston HS, Kent Place School, Millburn HS, Montclair Kimberley Academy, Morristown Beard School, Newark Academy, New Providence HS, Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child, Oratory Preparatory School, The Pingry School, Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Seton Hall Preparatory School, Summit HS, Union County Academy for Allied Health Sciences, West Essex HS, and Westfield HS.
How will participants benefit?
The students who are selected to participate in the program will learn how a hospital foundation operates as the fund-raising arm of a nonprofit regional medical center. They will interact with hospital personnel and members of the foundation staff, enabling the students to better understand the synergy necessary to cultivate new donors and facilitate relationships with existing donors. Current trustees of the foundation will share their own experiences with college studies, careers and philanthropy.
What is expected of the students?
Participants will serve a nine-month term, meeting 7:00-8:30 p.m. on the first Monday of every month from October through June in the Bouras Auditorium at Overlook Medical Center (OMC). Foundation trustees will teach them about board development and governance, fund raising campaigns and events, and the grant application process. Together they will plan and manage fundraising events and activities, the proceeds from which they will offer to interested OMC departments through a grant they will design and ultimately award.
Students under the age of 18 will be required to furnish a signed release form from a parent or guardian allowing the foundation to use their names and photos in press releases and other hospital publications. Additionally, they will be expected to miss no more than one scheduled meeting, except in the case of an emergency or special circumstance.
What are the responsibilities of the schools?
We ask only that the high school administrators who are tasked with selecting the student participants offer this opportunity to those who are outgoing and highly motivated, with a strong academic background. It is not necessary that they wish to pursue an education in health care, as the program is not science-oriented. There is no cost to either the students or the schools involved.
Why has the Overlook Foundation created a Junior Board?
As our young people move on to college and, ultimately, a career, we hope to broaden their educational experience to include civic responsibility. By exposing them to a culture of philanthropy here at the Overlook Foundation and involving them in the process, we anticipate that many will assume leadership roles as adults . . . giving of their time and talents to better the communities in which they live and work.
For more information, contact Marianne Devlin, director of public relations, at (908) 522-2884 or marianne.devlin@atlantichealth.org.